Frequently Asked Questions

Before you contact me... with any questions or suggestions, please read over this FAQ to make sure that it hasn't already been addressed. Don't miss the BW policies either.
-click on the question to see the answer-
  1. Why does this site exist?
  2. Well, we - me and you - know that there are a lot of other fanfiction/anime/manga sites, with more content and lots of different stuff that might be better than mine, but anyway i wanted to have my own space so i can put my stuffs without taking other's -but my host- bandwith, you know? And because i'm free to do that, that should answer the question :)
  3. What are the privledges of joining the forum?
  4. More free downloads, comment about the releases, contacting staff members & report/request files faster and easier, chit-chating, and most importantly, access to areas where it's provided with materials that cannot be shone on the site normally, this includes manga, anime, movies, music, etc
  5. In the releases there are icons like . What do they mean?
  6. = to read online with
    = http download via or fileDEN
  7. When will           be out?
  8. I do not sub any dramas, nor scanlate any manga. Just like you, I have no way of knowing when they will be released. When they're released and I have time, I'll post them. So wait patiently.
  9. When will you post          ?
  10. You know, I also have a life and it is really expensive so i have to work. When i can and I got the time i'll do it; because you need to encode, upload, download... in other words: maintain this site. It takes time. So please be patient.
  11. Can you upload files to           place?
  12. I do not take these kind of requests. Any requests asking me to upload it elsewhere will be ignored.
  13. May I use your images?
  14. Sure, as long as I haven't personally manipulated them in some way (like png's, avatars, etc). I got most of those images from other places around the net, so I really don't mind if you use them in your gallery either. Just don't direct link it!
  15. Can you teach me how to make....
  16. I'm willing to help if I can, just contact me using the contact form.
  17. There's a problem with           page. Can you fix it?
  18. Sure, if there are any problems, or mistakes made, just mention it on the tag board or through the contact page, and I'll do it. Thanks for the help.
  19. I've found a broken link! How do I report it?
  20. Please report any broken links by either tagging me on the tag board or through the contact page
  21. Can we be affiliates/sibblings?
  22. If there's still a spot, sure, but I don't accept just anyone, you have to visit the apply page for more info.
  23. Well then, can we link exchange then?
  24. Yes, of course. Visit the apply page and fill out the form. I'll contact you back immediately.
  25. Can I join your staff?
  26. You can check for open spaces in the Forum or the staff page. If you're interested, please contact me.

Ask me!

You've read everything and you still have a question? Write it down! and I'll make sure to respond as quickly as possible.

If it is any other issue that needs you to contact me directly, feel free to e-mail me
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